In a new interview at Tom Nelsons‘s podcast Prof Valentina Zharkova clearly sayed that we‘ve only 5 years to prepare before the little iceage will come with all its brutality…..
It could start snowing year round any minute for years from one volcano from one solar flare. I can see six volcanos from here if I go up on the mountain behind my house which is former Yellowstone volcano, the rocks in my yard are basalt. 7000 ft mountain behind my house 20 miles is basalt could have big house size rocks flying over my house any second.
The Forest Service road going up into the mountains behind me goes across a big 1000ft basalt cliff at the base of the 7000 ft mtn. They blasted off enough for a steam train 100 years ago to haul out the old growth timberrrr. I am at sea level and the canal across the street is 600ft deep. along the base of the mountains. Just on a little shelf where big chunks of that cliff could break off in a quake and roll right through the hood or maybe not. The volcanos are across the valley 100 miles away which was all covered with 3000ft if ice not long ago. Only the tall peaks and the cones above the ice. I’m in the ongoing equation of erosion from the last Ice Age waiting for the next one since the 60s. We knew about the interglacial chart sixty years ago easy to draw. WWWWWWW
Mercury in retrograde in March on the New Moon could be the event that starts it. It’s New Moon today so one moon away. It’s more than just Mercury going by, also Venus going by us the same time and Saturn is opposite. Jupiter is 99 degrees left. and Mars in between.
Mercury goes by Jupiter next week, that could do it. Then it goes by Mars two weeks later on the way to retrograde on Earth a week later. Any time next month a solar flare could set off chain reaction volcanos and it would snow for years.
Could happen next Mercury in retrograde this Summer when NASA predicts SC25 max. July 24th New Moon and Mercury in retrograde. Kaboooom. Watch Mercury go around the Sun for free on SimSolar.
Most solar flares happen with Mercury alignments, electrical connections. Supersonic hyperbolic.
Think what would happen if the Beaufort Gyre reversed? The Day after Tomorrow would happen, It has before…Mammoths standing frozen with food in their mouths. So any of these would be cold Hell but think if we add a POLE FLIP???
All three at once and we are either ICE CUBES or a very long Ice Age.
I hate myself…
I think too many people believe that if Prof. V.K. is correct (and I do!), the onslaught of the coldest part of this predicted exercise will be an almost overnight, almost all of a sudden, decrease of the Sun’s TSI to the minimum, and hold there for maybe 50 +years. I believe that instead, it will be a severe downward ramping of the Global Average Temp, which will cause unanticipated consequences on a biblical scale. I also think maybe it will hit the fan in another two or three years such that it will start to be obvious that Prof. V.K. was spot on. I’m not too upset about being 83 years old this May, but I don’t think my only 6 year old grandson’s chances are very good for living the life I have. Looking at Cap’s Electroverse’s posts for many years now, regarding the World temps over the past 2,000 years, I think one can see a steady decrease in the global average temp., which most likely will mimic the Maunder Minimum of 400 years ago. Please see: Maunder Minimum Wikipedia
If we get only 50% of what humanity endured at that time, in a much colder climate, hundreds of millions will either die of starvation, freeze to death, or die in many migration wars, but they will die before they should! Right now there does not seem to be any world government leader that seems to publically give a shit. I believe we are to be severely intercoursed unless we, the people, of the Earth, wake up very soon. Billy Best in Vancouver , BC.
She’s on the Wiki numbers as being wrong. SC25 is stronger than she predicted and what NASA predicted. I have three charts showing SC26 will be stronger than this cycle, no GSM. ’09 was the low, she missed it by a cycle.
Sturgeons in the Frasier River in Vancouver BC have been around for millions of years through all the GSMs. Those same fish go into our rivers here a bit South of you and the sturgeon here go party up there in different seasons. Great fishing up there in BC, the West Coast of Vancouver Island is World class the Pacific O is 5000 ft deep right offshore. Catch your weight in fish in an hour. Giant ling cod every cast. Halibut and salmon. People have lived there for 12000 years eating well year round. TCI up and holding in the Hot Zone way above Zarkova’s forecast.
In the middle of India it’s hotter than ave everyday as it has been for over a year, the temps are upper 90s. 98F the next two weeks then over 100F there the rest of March. It’s so hot it pulls cold down through the tallest mountains on the planet and there’s a little snow. Where most of the people live in India it’s really hot, no rain forecast.
In a new interview at Tom Nelsons‘s podcast Prof Valentina Zharkova clearly sayed that we‘ve only 5 years to prepare before the little iceage will come with all its brutality…..
Or sooner!
It could start snowing year round any minute for years from one volcano from one solar flare. I can see six volcanos from here if I go up on the mountain behind my house which is former Yellowstone volcano, the rocks in my yard are basalt. 7000 ft mountain behind my house 20 miles is basalt could have big house size rocks flying over my house any second.
The Forest Service road going up into the mountains behind me goes across a big 1000ft basalt cliff at the base of the 7000 ft mtn. They blasted off enough for a steam train 100 years ago to haul out the old growth timberrrr. I am at sea level and the canal across the street is 600ft deep. along the base of the mountains. Just on a little shelf where big chunks of that cliff could break off in a quake and roll right through the hood or maybe not. The volcanos are across the valley 100 miles away which was all covered with 3000ft if ice not long ago. Only the tall peaks and the cones above the ice. I’m in the ongoing equation of erosion from the last Ice Age waiting for the next one since the 60s. We knew about the interglacial chart sixty years ago easy to draw. WWWWWWW
Mercury in retrograde in March on the New Moon could be the event that starts it. It’s New Moon today so one moon away. It’s more than just Mercury going by, also Venus going by us the same time and Saturn is opposite. Jupiter is 99 degrees left. and Mars in between.
Mercury goes by Jupiter next week, that could do it. Then it goes by Mars two weeks later on the way to retrograde on Earth a week later. Any time next month a solar flare could set off chain reaction volcanos and it would snow for years.
Could happen next Mercury in retrograde this Summer when NASA predicts SC25 max. July 24th New Moon and Mercury in retrograde. Kaboooom. Watch Mercury go around the Sun for free on SimSolar.
Most solar flares happen with Mercury alignments, electrical connections. Supersonic hyperbolic.
Think what would happen if the Beaufort Gyre reversed? The Day after Tomorrow would happen, It has before…Mammoths standing frozen with food in their mouths. So any of these would be cold Hell but think if we add a POLE FLIP???
All three at once and we are either ICE CUBES or a very long Ice Age.
I hate myself…
When will it warm enough to melt all that Arctic ice to make that happen?
I think too many people believe that if Prof. V.K. is correct (and I do!), the onslaught of the coldest part of this predicted exercise will be an almost overnight, almost all of a sudden, decrease of the Sun’s TSI to the minimum, and hold there for maybe 50 +years. I believe that instead, it will be a severe downward ramping of the Global Average Temp, which will cause unanticipated consequences on a biblical scale. I also think maybe it will hit the fan in another two or three years such that it will start to be obvious that Prof. V.K. was spot on. I’m not too upset about being 83 years old this May, but I don’t think my only 6 year old grandson’s chances are very good for living the life I have. Looking at Cap’s Electroverse’s posts for many years now, regarding the World temps over the past 2,000 years, I think one can see a steady decrease in the global average temp., which most likely will mimic the Maunder Minimum of 400 years ago. Please see: Maunder Minimum Wikipedia
If we get only 50% of what humanity endured at that time, in a much colder climate, hundreds of millions will either die of starvation, freeze to death, or die in many migration wars, but they will die before they should! Right now there does not seem to be any world government leader that seems to publically give a shit. I believe we are to be severely intercoursed unless we, the people, of the Earth, wake up very soon. Billy Best in Vancouver , BC.
She’s on the Wiki numbers as being wrong. SC25 is stronger than she predicted and what NASA predicted. I have three charts showing SC26 will be stronger than this cycle, no GSM. ’09 was the low, she missed it by a cycle.
Sturgeons in the Frasier River in Vancouver BC have been around for millions of years through all the GSMs. Those same fish go into our rivers here a bit South of you and the sturgeon here go party up there in different seasons. Great fishing up there in BC, the West Coast of Vancouver Island is World class the Pacific O is 5000 ft deep right offshore. Catch your weight in fish in an hour. Giant ling cod every cast. Halibut and salmon. People have lived there for 12000 years eating well year round. TCI up and holding in the Hot Zone way above Zarkova’s forecast.
I am 70 and I don’t want my Wife and Son to go thru that. We have wild meat galore all around us but damn…Well if it happens we will persevere.
Russia knows, hence fighting for the warm weather port in Crimea.
As Cap said, China knows. Likely India, too.
In the middle of India it’s hotter than ave everyday as it has been for over a year, the temps are upper 90s. 98F the next two weeks then over 100F there the rest of March. It’s so hot it pulls cold down through the tallest mountains on the planet and there’s a little snow. Where most of the people live in India it’s really hot, no rain forecast.